A seed of hope
Last week Margaret Keenan made history. She is a 90-year-old woman in Coventry who was the first person in the world to receive the Pfizer vaccine against Covid-19.
After much research, testing and waiting this injection carries the hope of the world! Hearing this story, reminds me of Christmas.
God, the designer and creator of this vast universe did something incredible. He distilled His Son to the smallest ‘seed’ so that He could be placed in the womb of a teenage girl who lived in a small town called Nazareth. For this important act God dispatched an Angel who said to her...
“Don’t be afraid, Mary; God has shown you his grace. Listen! You will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of King David, his ancestor. He will rule over the people of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end.”
YIKES! That was some messenger with some message! Mary’s response was just as amazing as she basically said, ‘OK God!’
For hundreds of years the nation of Israel had been waiting for this. Their prophets had told them that help was coming, a Messiah, a Saviour who would usher in God’s Kingdom. And this was the moment, God was sending His Son, as a seed of hope.
Today our hopes are fixed on this vaccine – microscopic antibodies that will defeat the virus and bring about global change.
2000 years ago another microscopic seed was planted in a woman. This God-child grew into a man who has brought about global change. He is Jesus, the Christ in Christmas!
Also, why not check out our live stream service every Sunday at 10:30am, simply go to www.hopebasingstoke.org/livestream
Stay safe & God bless
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader