leadership team

We believe that God has given instructions in the Bible for good leadership in the church. Good leadership cares, encourages, feeds, protects and leads God’s people. Jesus is our greatest example of ‘servant leadership’.

oversight team

From left to right: Andy Winser, Andy Taylor, Gary Bastin and Terry Huggett

The Bible uses these different words: Elders, Pastors, Shepherds and Overseers, to describe the same role!

team leads

These wonderful people oversee our various teams and are responsible for these aspects of church life:

AV: Jon Pratchett

Buildings Manager: Sarah Winser

Family Worker (including HOPE Kids): Sarah Winser

Pastoral & Connect Groups: Terry & Sara Huggett

Prayer: Gill Mahers

Safeguarding: Sara Huggett

Teaching Team: Terry Huggett

Treasurer: Andy Mahers

Welcome Team: Dave & Gill Love

Worship Team: Gary Bastin

Youth: Biggsy