Act, love, walk
Did you know that the Old Testament part of the Bible is made up of 39 books and 17 of them are ‘prophetic’ ones? They are called that, because people who were prophets, are generally accepted as the authors.
These prophets relayed messages from God to kings and rulers in Israel and surrounding countries, some consistently, over many years. Isaiah would be a good example of that.
There was a prophet called Micah, who lived in Moresheth, about 20 miles southwest from Jerusalem. Little is known about the man, but God used him to speak to Jewish Kings during 750-686 BC.
Israel had turned their hearts away from God and His ways. They had embraced other ‘gods’ which caused their behaviour to change. They kept up the temple worship in Jerusalem, but it had become empty ritualism. Against this backdrop, Micah said this to them…
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Their rejection of God had led them to become proud and arrogant. They treated one another unfairly and harshly! This was not how God wanted His people to be. Micah made God’s wishes clear!
I believe God still wants His people to be fair, just, merciful and to walk humbly with Him.
Notice, these three areas are all pro-active things. They are not passive, reflective, or internal. In other words, they are to be outworked with people and with God.
Are you someone:
who is fair in your dealings with people, do you speak up when you see injustice?
who is merciful towards others, being gracious and compassionate?
who lives in a humble, modest way, listening and learning from God?
Let me encourage you to take a few moments to look at your life. Ask God to help you to live the Micah way: To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
God bless
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader