Black Ice
Last Saturday morning I went for a run. I had to stop running after I slipped my disc, but as it has healed, I have been able to get back into it again!
It was a cold and misty morning, and the world looked quite surreal and beautiful as the sun shone through the haze.
On my route there are a few hills and as I headed towards one, another runner approached me from the other direction and warned me about black ice. As I got to the hill, I could feel my feet slipping, but I did not fall. I was very grateful for his concern in telling me.
As I ran on, I passed another runner, also going in the opposite direction. So, I told him of the danger ahead on the hill that I had just been up. Hope he was OK!
I reflected on these little conversations and a Bible verse popped into my head...
“In everything you do, be careful to treat others in the same way you’d want them to treat you, for that is the essence of all the teachings of the Law and the Prophets.”
To be honest I only remembered the first part of this verse! This bit in the Bible is part of an amazing inspirational ‘preach’ Jesus gave known as ‘The Sermon on the Mount’. You can read it all in Matthew chapters 5-7.
I was so grateful for the runner who told me about the ice ahead, I could prepare for it and I navigated that section of road safely. I was then able to warn the next runner I saw. This was putting this verse into action.
I saw with fresh eyes that God’s ways are good. If we live by them, it’s good for everyone. I heard somebody recently describe life as being on the ‘Corona-coaster’ – with its continual ups and downs and twists and turns!
So, as we continue on this ride, let me encourage you, in all you do, to learn from my fellow runners and put into practice these powerful words of Jesus: do to others what you would have them do to you.
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Stay safe & God bless
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader