Distinguish mark
Growing up was hard. That’s because I was (and still am, just) a ginger. There were not many of us where I grew up. I was the only one in my class.
Fortunately, for most of my friends it was not an issue, but there were a few who called me ‘carrot top’ and ‘Duracell’!
Being a red head meant I could not wear certain colours, so you can imagine my horror when I started The King’s School in 1981, as they had red shirts!
Up until then, my school uniform had been blue or grey, so having a red shirt was terrible. Having said that, there were some pretty bad school uniform combinations in Basingstoke at that time.
Brighton Hill Secondary had a bright yellow shirt with dark blue jumpers and Fort Hill Secondary had green shirts with brown jumpers. Some of the posh private schools had shocking stripy blazers.
If you were ever in town, you could spot who went to which school by their uniform. This is of course still true today.
In the Old Testament part of the Bible we read of how God called Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt. Up until then Israel had only ever existed in Egypt, so leaving was a big deal.
Moses had many conversations about it and on one occasion said to God…
“If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?”
Moses had grown up in Egypt as the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, so he knew first hand, what it was like to live without God. He did not want to live that way anymore.
As the leader, Moses knew that it was the presence of God with him and the Israelites that made all the difference and mark them out from the nations around them. Fortunately, God agreed to Moses’ request.
Today the Church, both global and local, should be known as the place or people where God is present. That can be in buildings, or I think primarily in God’s people. I say both, as I have been in some church buildings where I have been moved to tears by God’s presence.
As not everybody goes to church, it’s up to the Christians to carry God’s presence wherever they go. Changing the atmosphere and the narrative in all sorts of situations.
I believe we should also create spaces that are safe for people to connect with and encounter God.
We should be marked out by our words and actions, demonstrating God’s love and power all over the place.
These are our distinguishing marks.
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader