This week has been interesting in the UK as on Tuesday 23 July Boris Johnson became the new leader of the Conservative Party and our new Prime Minister. This has caused quite a stir, with people being both for and against him! Alongside that, I was reading 1 Chronicles, and the early chapters are long lists of family trees tracing from Adam to King David. Whilst reading, this little verse caught my eye...
“Cush was the father of Nimrod,
who became a mighty warrior on earth.”
This is unusual in these lists as Nimrod’s achievements were so significant that they were recorded. This was his legacy. I wonder how Boris will be remembered? It also got me thinking about my life - how will I be remembered, what is my legacy? As Christian’s, the Bible says that we become ‘new creations, the old has gone and the new has come’. Our past does not need to affect our future, as we are ‘free’ from that, and ‘free’ to love and serve God. So what will people say of you, how will you be remembered, what’s your legacy?
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader