Practise what you preach
It’s been an eventful few weeks in British politics! What did go on at Number 10 Downing Street during lockdown has been the subject of an investigation by Sue Gray and the Met police.
Sue Gray’s report says that: ‘16 events took place over a dozen dates between May 2020 and April 2021’ (BBC news website).
Many are outraged by this, and you can see why! During the national lockdowns, parties, weddings and funerals were all cancelled (or in some cases very restricted), and yet those who were telling us what to do were not doing it themselves.
As this shocking news has come to light, I read in Matthew’s gospel in the New Testament, the encounters that Jesus had with Pharisees in Jerusalem.
The Pharisees were ‘holy men’ and a religious sect who taught the ‘law of Moses’ (found in the Old Testament). This is what Jesus said about them...
“ ‘The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So, you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practise what they preach.”
Jesus acknowledged that what they did was important. As teachers of the Jewish law, it was right that people obeyed what they said.
However, Jesus also saw that they were not doing what they were asking the people to do... ouch! It seems that what is happening in the UK now is little different from what happened in Jesus’ time!
Nobody likes hypocrites – those who say one thing and then behave in a different way. Especially when they are in a place of power and authority, as in the case of the Pharisees. Jesus called it out and said it was wrong!
Jesus was different. He modelled a life of pure integrity. His words were right and true. His actions matched his words. He lived by example. In my opinion, Jesus is the greatest leader of all time.
In these unsettling times let me encourage you to read about Jesus in the Bible. Ponder what he did. Reflect on what he said. Meditate on how he interacted with people. And, most importantly let his ways shape your thinking, behaviour, motives and actions...
God bless
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader