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Photo by Bernd Dittrich on Unsplash
God still speaks today! There are a variety of ways in which, I believe, He does this:
God speaks through the wonder and beauty of nature and creation. Many times, I have marvelled at breathtaking scenery I have observed both in person and in a picture. God is the great artist behind this vast canvas.
God also speaks through the Bible. This is the only reliable data that we have about God. It reveals His character, heart and nature, and how He interacts with His creation.
God can also speak directly to someone. This can be an impression, or a thought, a dream or a vision. In my experience when this has happened, there is a weight and clarity to it, that I know it’s God speaking.
Last Sunday a woman came to our church gathering for the first time. We get a lot of visitors, and I always try to say ‘hello’ if I can. I managed to speak to her over coffee at the end.
She said that, on Sunday morning God spoke to her and told her to go to our church! Nervously she was obedient and came along, not knowing why or anyone there. On arrival she received a very warm welcome.
That morning, I spoke on the subject of ‘forgiveness’ and what I said really resonated with her, because of something she was going through. She knew then that God had directed her to come and hear my message!
We were both quite amazed at what had happened and grateful that God had been clear in what He said, and that she trusted that and was obedient.
In the book of Exodus in the Old Testament, God was very clear when He led the nation of Israel out of Egypt, in a very unusual way…
“In all the travels of the Israelites, whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, they would set out; but if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out – until the day it lifted.”
This method worked for 40 years! It was a very clear ‘sign’ to the Israelites of God’s leading. We may not have a cloud to follow in the same way, but God does speak and lead us.
Are we aware of God speaking? Are we listening out for Him? The Christian life, is a journey of a relationship with God, talking and listening to one another.
The woman who came to our church last Sunday, heard God, was obedient and in doing so had a significant encounter that morning.
God is speaking, are you listening?
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader