A few years ago, at a friend’s house, whilst we were talking, I noticed that there was no skirting board in the lounge. So, I asked him about it.
He said that a few months ago he had got rid of the old, outdated skirting board whilst re-decorating the room. However, he hadn’t got round to fitting the new one. And now they were using the space and didn’t even notice that it was not done.
I replied that I couldn’t do that. If I start a job, be that decorating or any DIY project, I need to see it through to the end. We laughed at our different approaches to decorating and DIY!
The thing is, I am a ‘completer finisher’. In other words, I like to finish what I start. I am very satisfied when a job gets done and I can tick it off my ‘to do’ list.
In fact, before I tackle any job, I think it all through, carefully considering each stage of the process, what needs to be done and in what order. I won’t start a job unless I know I can finish it. It’s just the way I’m wired!
It does mean that jobs I start, do get done, but this way of working can be frustrating to others who think and operate in a different way!
There is a book in the Old Testament part of the Bible, called Joshua. It is named after the main protagonist in the book! Joshua succeeded Moses as the leader of Israel, and it was his task to lead this vast nation into the land God had earmarked for them. They started their campaign, however…
“When Joshua had grown old, the Lord said to him, “You are now very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over.””
They started well but had not completed the task, so God had to remind them of His big plan. This got me thinking about completing things that have been started.
Of course, there are the decorating and DIY projects around a house that may need to be finished. But I think that this can also apply to relationships or things within us. I do wonder if this is more important?
Do you have any uncompleted or unresolved things with other people? Perhaps you had a misunderstanding or falling out which has led to a break down in the relationship?
What about internally? Are there things you started, and for whatever reason, you’ve stopped, and it has now dropped off your radar?
I believe that God wants you to do something positive about it! The story of Joshua is really helpful, as they responded to what God said to them, and went on to complete the task – see Joshua 21:44.
So, what about you? Let me encourage you to think about any areas in your life that you need to pick up and sort. God may be nudging you today, and He can help you complete it, if you ask for His help.
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader