Great is your faithfulness
This week I have been reading Lamentations. This Old Testament ‘Book of Laments’ was written around 586 BC as a reminder of the fall of Jerusalem. The author is anonymous but it is assumed that Jeremiah wrote it. It was a dark time for God’s people; the Babylonians had crushed them and the once great city of Jerusalem had been burnt to the ground. Where was God in the midst of this? The ‘Book of Laments’ acknowledges the loss and pain. In the middle of the book the author remembers the mercy and goodness of God...
“Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
I love the reality of this book! It does not try to cover over or ignore the loss and pain of the situation. It’s honest, as it acknowledges the grief. However, it does not stay there, the ‘grief cycle’ moves forward. The writer recalls the past, knowing that God is good, His love endures, His compassion never fail! From that, the declaration is made that His compassion is fresh each day - God’s faithfulness is indeed great! Be encouraged! Whatever you are facing, don’t ignore it, be honest about it. But, don’t stay there; remember God’s love, compassion and goodness - great is his faithfulness!
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader