Holy Week
We are in the middle of ‘Holy Week’. It’s a very important time in the Christian calendar as it’s all about the last week of Jesus’ life, culminating in his death and resurrection at Easter.
It was an intense week, packed with drama, symbolic acts and moving speeches. Jesus was centre stage, sharing a final meal with his Disciples before being arrested, tried, tortured and brutally killed on Good Friday.
Each of the four New Testament gospels record what happened. However, it’s the last one, John, who really goes into great detail. Out of it’s 21 chapters, it devotes nine of them to the events of ‘Holy Week’.
Much of those nine chapters cover what Jesus said at ‘the last supper’. This was the traditional Jewish Passover meal, something that Israel had celebrated for centuries, which started way back when their great ancestors left Egypt.
It was the last time Jesus would be with this group. He said many profound and significant things including this…
“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”
A servant was simply an agent, doing what their master said. They worked for their boss and would not necessarily know them personally or what they were about.
Jesus changed that. These people were not simply his servants but his friends – that’s a very different relationship! A friend is somebody who you enjoy being with, where things are mutual and intimate. You can just be yourself, without having to pretend. There is love and trust and deep knowledge of each other.
I have a few friendships like that. It’s always great to be with them, relaxing and life giving – they fill my tank!
That’s the kind of relationship Jesus had with this group. The great news is that through his death and resurrection, today, we can have this friendship with Jesus too. What a gamechanger!
Whatever you are doing this Easter, be that with family or friends, Easter egg hunting or just relaxing over the long bank holiday, know this:
Jesus is alive and well, he loves you very much and wants to know you as a true friend! Happy Easter!
God bless
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader