Never Forget
Back in 1995 one of the biggest bands in the UK released a single called ‘Never Forget’. That band was made up or five young handsome men: Jason, Mark, Howard, Robbie and Gary… Take That!
At that time the band where unstoppable: selling vast amounts of CDs, winning awards and performing to massive crowds of adorning fans.
The song was a huge hit. The lyrics painted a picture of the dizziness of success, but the chorus chanted, ‘Never forget where you've come here from’.
It’s a poignant reminder that there are more important things than success, fame and fortune.
In the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy, Moses retold the story, to a new generation, of how God led, protected, cared and provided for the nation of Israel.
It had been just over 40 years since they left Egypt and they were about to enter the land God had for them. During his speech, Moses said this…
“But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.”
In other words, Moses said ‘Never forget where you've come here from’. He wanted them to remember that the skills and abilities they had, all came from God.
Moses was concerned that as they embarked on setting up new lives and raising families that they would forget God and think that they did it all in their own strength.
As you read on in the Bible you discover that they did abandon God and things did not go well for them.
I think it’s good for us to reflect on this today. Of course, there is nothing wrong with working hard to produce wealth, to provide for yourself and others. The issue is thinking that it’s all achieved by your own abilities. It’s a kind of pride that says, ‘look what I have done’, and does not bring God into it.
Perhaps ‘Take That!’ had some kind of Godly insight when they wrote that pop song? Let me encourage you, at the start, or end of each day, to thank God for the gifts, skills and abilities He has given to you.
God bless
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader