Hope Vision: Hope Carriers
Three Sunday’s ago, at our church, the leadership team shared the vision of what we believe God has called us to. There are three elements to this condensed into these ‘headlines’ that we are seeking to be...
A City of Refuge
A Reprocessing Factory
Hope Carriers
Last week we looked at a ‘Reprocessing Factory’, so this final week’s it’s ‘Hope Carriers’. The Bible is an account of God’s interaction with the earth and its inhabitants! God always wanted a relationship with people, but that got broken. So, God sent his son Jesus to fix the problem and in doing so restore the relationship. Now restored, God and people live a new kind of life together. In my experience as a church pastor people have told me that this new life is better that the old one!
That’s the hope that all Christians carry. Our desire is that everyone in our church fully embraces this new life and are ready to share it with others. Peter, a very close friend of Jesus and leader in the early church put it like this....
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...”
We believe that God is calling us to be this kind of ‘Hope Carriers’!
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader