How much longer, Lord?
Over the last few weeks I have had two opportunities to talk publicly about my journey since that fateful Good Friday morning when I slipped my disc! I have sort to be open and honest when speaking to help people see that being Christian is not a ‘bed of Roses’. I have stressed the importance of being ‘real’. When my back went, I could not do anything: I couldn’t move, I was in pain, I needed help, I had to let go of everything. However, I did turn to the Bible for help and comfort. Psalm 13 was a great encouragement to me, it begins like this...
“I’m hurting, Lord - will you forget me forever?
How much longer, Lord?
Will you look the other way when I’m in need?
How much longer must I cling to this constant grief?
I’ve endured this shaking of my soul.”
These two verses could have been written just for me! The writer, King David, was low and he poured it out to God, and I did the same. When life is tough, be real and honest, but also turn to God and vent your pain and frustration to Him! Psalm 13 is a journey which does not end on a low. King David, knew what God was like and had seen Him at work before so was able to find hope...
“Lord, I have always trusted in your kindness, so answer me.
I will yet celebrate with passion and joy
when your salvation lifts me up.
I will sing my song of joy to you, the Most High,
for in all of this you have strengthened my soul.
My enemies say that I have no Saviour,
but I know that I have one in you!”
I have known pain and sadness at other times in my life, and like King David I also know that there is always hope in God. This psalm ends on a note of hopeful praise and proclamation that there is a saviour. If you are in pain, or facing tough things let me encourage you to read the whole of Psalm 13. There is always hope. Hope has a name and his name is Jesus.
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader