Prophets Today
Epic stories often have big themes. They return to them in various ways as the story unfolds. One of the ‘classics’ is that of ‘good vs evil’. But there are others too…
Such as, the ‘nobody who becomes a hero’ theme. Think of Frodo in ‘The Lord of the Rings’, Rocky Balboa in the ‘Rocky’ movies, or Luke Skywalker in ‘Star Wars’ (one of my favourites!). I’m sure you can think of others.
Another idea that we often see in these epic stories is the recurrence of a character type. You need a baddie, so you can have a goodie! These characters come in all shapes, forms and styles.
In the Bible, the ‘prophet’ is one of those characters that keeps appearing. A prophet was somebody who God spoke to with a specific ‘divine’ message for an individual, group of people or even a whole country! It was the prophet’s responsibility to deliver the message.
The Old Testament records many occasions when God spoke through prophets. Some examples are: strategic tactics in battle, calling out wrong doings, or speaking against injustice.
In the New Testament, prophetic people were part of the early churches. Here’s an example I read recently at the church in a place called Antioch…
“Judas and Silas, who themselves were prophets, said much to encourage and strengthen the believers.”
I think there is still a place for both kinds of prophets today!
We need women and men who will speak out against injustice and things which are morally and socially wrong. This may well be in the political arena, and other places of ‘power and influence.’
Let’s pray for those Godly people we may know, who work in these places, that they will speak both boldly and with wisdom.
We also need other ‘prophets’ who will bring God’s word of encouragement and strength to people like you and me. Let’s face it, we can all do with that kind of input and support!
So, if you have some ‘prophetic gifting’, let me encourage you to seek God, hear what He says and to share it with whoever He directs you to.
God bless
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader