Are you one of those people who are already longing for summer – the warmer weather, the longer days, and the lazy BBQs? Summer is great, but with my skin, I have to be very careful. Sunbathing is definitely not for me.
Many years ago, when we had a church school, I used to help out at the annual sports day. One year, I was posted on high jump duties. It was a gloriously hot and sunny day, and there was no shade. I got burnt to a crisp…I was glowing!
The sunburn was very painful for me, but funny for everyone else. There was no end of jokes about how ‘radiant’ I looked. People could instantly tell I had caught the sun.
Moses was the man who God chose to lead the nation of Israel out of Egypt. You can find it in the book of Exodus in the Bible. He spent 40 days alone with God up a mountain, where he was given the 10 Commandments. There was something else that happened…
“When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.”
Moses was unaware that his face was radiant, it was those around him who saw it. At first they were frightened, as it was so unusual. But Moses spoke to them and reassured then that all was well.
Moses spent time with God, and people could see that he was different – his face literally radiated! In other words, being in God’s presence changed Moses: he ‘beamed’, and it was noticeable. He was also changed on the inside and grew in the gifting, calling and leadership!
This is really important and, I believe, can be the same for us too, after all it’s the same God!
Let’s make sure that we spend dedicated time with God. What does that mean for you? It could be reading and reflecting on what the Bible says. It could be spending time in prayer: speaking and listening to God. How can you build this into your daily, weekly or monthly rhythms?
I believe that by spending time with God he will change us on the inside and outside. Wouldn’t it be great if our family, friends, work colleagues, neighbours could see a difference in us just because we have spent time with God?
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader