Why did I say that?
Have you ever looked back at old photographs of yourself? A have a variety of pictures that document my life growing up.
There are the ‘not-so-cute’ baby ones, followed by the toddler and pre-school years. Then there are the many school photos, in that classic staged pose, with an awkward grin.
These are followed by the teenage years. I had a Saturday job so could finally buy the clothes I wanted, which I thought were very cool – after all it was the 1980s!
I really enjoyed being a young man in my teens and twenties. Life seemed a bit simpler. I was part of a great youth group at church and we had a lot of fun together.
However, as I look back at those pictures and remember those days, I cringe at what I wore, my outlook on life and some of the things I did and said.
When Jesus lived on the earth, he pulled together a group of young men who became his disciples. They were and eclectic mix of ordinary people who hung out with Jesus for a few years.
They saw Jesus do incredible miracles, say the most profound things and preach like nobody else. They were constantly amazed and often bewildered. On one occasion two brothers, James and John, said to Jesus…
““Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory.”
“You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said. “Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?”
“We can,” they answered.”
How cheeky! They were basically asking for the top slot, one of position and power! As you can imagine this did not go down well with the others in the group. Jesus, was more gracious, and used it as an opportunity to teach them about His view on position and power!
What I find really interesting, is that we know what happened to one of the brothers. This was John. He went on to write one of the gospels, some letters and Revelation, all of which are in the New Testament.
This rather smug young man was transformed by Jesus, and we can see that in his writings. His gospel is a deeply personal account of being with Jesus. His letters are full of pastoral care and wisdom.
He was the person who saw this great ‘revelation’ of Jesus and vision of what is to come. There is no mention of him having a seat near Jesus now!
John had been changed by Jesus and he had matured. His past did not affect his future. Good news! If we are willing, God can do the same for you and me too!
I do wonder if John ever looked back on his younger self and thought ‘why did I say that?’
God bless you :)
Gary Bastin - Hope Community Church leader